Do you feel cold draughts entering into your home? If the answer is “yes”, the likelihood is that you need to replace your existing windows. These white UPVC windows have put a halt to heat loss in this residence and given it back its former curb appeal. When selecting the windows, the homeowner was asked to select some appropriate hardware for the design and this included key operated gold-plated handles. When they’re securely fastened, there’s very little hope of anyone managing to force them open. They also add to the impressive styling of the windows.
Standard UPVC windows were integrated into most of the available apertures, apart from the small arched window and bay window on the lower floor. Much time and attention was dedicated to the creation of the arch window so that it sat nicely with the arched brickwork and the bay window was given a similar level of consideration ahead of the fitting taking place. The beauty of a bay window is that it projects forwards and therefore brings the respective room that little bit closer to the outdoors. It has two side openings that can be pushed outwards for when temperatures are at their warmest outside. Isn’t it time you gave your old windows the elbow too?
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