Wombourne’s trustiest supplier of energy-saving double glazed windows.
Many window companies supply customers in the Wombourne area, but none of them have energy-saving double and triple glazed windows like those available at 5 Star Windows & Conservatories. We have specialised in windows for years and are also a seller of replacement doors, French doors, and patio doors. Those on a limited budget will be pleased to know that 5 Star Windows & Conservatories regularly has offer promotions for its windows, helping you save lots of money on quality designs. Our low-cost windows will put less of a burden on your boiler to keep your Wombourne home warm and this will be a huge money-saver in the long-run. Receive a competitive quote for replacement windows from 5 Star now by requesting a quote via our website.

Buy new double glazed windows for your Wombourne home with confidence by insisting on 5 Star giving them to you. Our energy efficient window designs perform outstandingly well and will never let you down.

Not just pretty to look at and incredibly secure, but our Extreme UPVC windows also come in at an amazingly good price for what they offer.

There’s nothing else to compare to an Envisage window as its performance standards are exceptionally high and it retains the traditional characteristics of a flush casement.

Eclipse Aluminium Windows
The minimalist style and exquisite lines of an Eclipse aluminium window are what defines its design. The unbelievably trim frames allow for a huge expanse of glass, maximising your view.
You can come window shopping at our showrooms...
The best way to find an appropriate window solution for your property in Wombourne is to make the trip to your nearest 5 Star showroom. In a showroom, you can appreciate their full beauty and see just how secure our window designs are. Other customers in Wombourne who have purchased replacement windows from us in the past will tell you themselves just how great they are for reducing bills and carbon footprints.

An increasingly costly energy bill is a very typical reason why customers come to 5 Star Windows & Conservatories for replacement windows. If you’ve experienced a large rise in your energy costs, it’s a definite sign that energy efficient replacement windows are needed and the sooner, the better. From almost the moment they’re installed, no part of your Wombourne home will feel draughty or cold, only lovely and cosy. For how little they cost, they’re a no-brainer.

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